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Why I Keep Bouncing In and Out of Spirituality

Wow. It's been a while since I've been on this website or even my social media pages. Hell, it's even been a while since I've touched a deck of divination cards or even a crystal. Yet, here I am today. Writing to you in black in white about where I've been and what's going on.

I have had a large spiritual journey in these past months. I've really had to meditate and think about what I truly believed in. This is all while working (then not working), building a new relationship, dealing with drama, and dealing with a lot of mental health issues.

I found my way to God, bible and all, and fell away from my Wiccan path for a while. But I found myself drawn back to it. So I bought a new Oracle deck, journalled a bit, did a small spell, burnt an incense and...fell out of the practice again. What was a little witch to do? I was being pulled in two different directions and it was really taking a greater toll on me than I realized.

Yes, it took until a little over a week ago for me to figure out what I wanted, as well as get used to a new school schedule (which will inevitably change again when I start work in January). My boyfriend was leaving with his family to Disney (which caused its own troubles) and I just had a lot on my mind.

Right before my partner left, I made a schedule for all my endeavors, tarot included. And I figured out what I believed in, unapologetically and unique as far as I'm concerned.

I do believe in God and Christ. I grew up in the church and it's still very important to me. I have a woman's study bible and believe my more traditional views come from that. I pray on at least a weekly basis and have some Christian stuff thrown around my house. But I still have an altar, my tools, and a pile of books higher than my knee for Wicca. I was not and am not willing to give up that part of my life.

I do believe in the Triple Goddess as well. So, I believe she sits alongside God on the throne, each representing the feminine and masculine in the world. The Goddess controls nature while God controls all else. It may sound a little out there, but that's about it from me.

So, I'm back. Look forward to me at least once a week, if not more! And thank you for the support.

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